Автор: flying_down
Язык: английский
Жанр: миниатюра (ретроспектива, рефлексия)
Рейтинг: G
Предупреждение: содержит латентные спойлеры! Написано довольно давно.
Дискламация: переосмысление сюжетных линий, созданных НЕ мной...
Миниатюра 1. Fenix Promise
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You’ve perished dozens of times, Suzaku… and lost yourself in the perpetual chase of death over and over again… so as to be reborn and become, in the end, my Knight in a shining blood-stained armor. But now that you are at my side, you’ve changed and you aren’t the same… unlike the one who I used to know from the season of our semi-miserable, semi-innocent childhood… and, definitely, someone else vowed fidelity to ghostly ideals after the spoiled execution… and with her too… you were another person, inspired by awkward half-love and half-dream… and that gun, pointed at my face… it wasn’t you who was clenching it in a shaky semi-confident hand… all those half-treasons, half-heroism and half-madness… all those half-laughs and half-cries… was it all just one singular man? All of them are dead… all of your former-selves. We buried them under the cover of memory. You don’t regret the murders, do you? The sacrifice was essential for you don’t have the other way to survive. And nothing came good out of our shared past… but today…we will play the requiem for the old versions of us and for the Future of all those who we love. Then… we will part. But you, my friend, will revive once more, won’t you? That’s the habit of your nature. And when the time comes I ask your new-self to take care of us… and I…I will deal with the rest of the world.Миниатюра 2. One Wrong Wish
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He has always acknowledged the inevitable consequences of all his acts: sacrifice is needed, indeed, accompanied with innocent victims. But then all the blame will fall on the shoulders of the Black man in a Mask. Lelouch has got used to being both a monster and a messiah in one vessel… a faceless figure. In public he holds an upright, victorious bearing, as though an unbreakable pole is tied firmly to his spine. Every time, when Zero pontificates about the Restoration of Japan from the tribune, the excited plebs scream out the name of their new Hope. Their mouths and minds are like obedient musical instruments under the fingers of a skilled Master. People truly believe, perhaps, in one of the greatest liars in the history of humankind. And the Demagogue stands erect like a tin soldier, with his hands spread out as a token of false frankness, gifting promises of better Future to the wanting Crowd. It shows to be amazingly easy to deceive the frightened nation. Zero knows perfectly his lines. It really seems that the man burns with indignation, caused by the massive genocide, which occurred during the Ceremony of Autonomy Establishment in Fuji Yama region. The Actor should celebrate his triumph! And what a Triumph it is! What a Stage and Decorations! What a Scale and Horizons are opened now owing to the Massacre Princess! What a Virtuose Improvisation in the light of the surprise turn of events. And how utterly disgusting… insufferably disgusting it feels inside. Only C.C. is aware of how many cracks speckle that invisible core. He is bowed by Her death before his single consoler and he sobs because of Shame, clinging to her knees, like a little boy who deeply regrets his dirty trick and seeks for his Mother’s pardon. This pill is too bitter to swallow. But he swallows it, nevertheless, while his own tears are being absorbed by the white fabric of her costume.Миниатюра 3. A Beautiful Crash
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When she fell in love, Euphemia literally did fall… like a minister of Heaven… into the arms of a Sinner. Who knew their Fate? She, certainly, wasn't preoccupied with formalities of her Royal Title and his Origin… he was too surprised by her Attitude to be reasonable enough to retreat opportunely from the clutches of that Feeling of great Need and perfect Dream. She really believed in realized fairytales and the Power of Noble Hearts. Together they wanted to make a Change. Come what may, indeed. He was mesmerized by her Rosy Halo, which the young man compared to the pink-cheeked clouds in the radiance of the setting Sun. And She… she just strived to become the Princess in Shining Armor for the Wight Knight in Distress and rescue Him from the Castle of Decadence. The Real World disfigures those book novels, but sometimes obeys the rules of romanticism… that type of story which has a tragic end. To fall in Love and to fall for Love. What a beautiful way of Existence. But it’s also sad, isn’t it?Миниатюра 4. Reproduction of the Mask
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You were always selfish, the kind of person who determines everything by his own will. Such egotism scandalously rivals the Divine Volition. From the very moment when you, in that masquerade style, saved me from the execution till our Great Déjà Vu befell I couldn’t comprehend the odious logic of your Actions. The last meeting… that’s when our roles reversed. Like it should have happened from the very beginning. You left me the Mask… and I will bear it for I don’t have the right to own a Face. After all I changed myself too many times to preserve the Truth. It’s just the way you told me. That’s my Punishment and Ultimate Atonement. I’ll become the Supreme Symbol of Justice because the New World (the one that exists owing to your sacrifice) needs Protection of Zero. The masked hero who holds the balance of Fairness. We both died there and then, on the Stage, Lelouch Lamperouge and Suzaku Kururugi… what a Cruel Spectacle. But your invisible eyes, my friend, will observe the expiation of the Mask. And the Abandoned Me must follow your order and make sure that this Result will survive and evolve as long as possible… for I am Zero. Hear my Name, praise and fear It.Если кому-то будет что-то неясно, то я переведу любой момент.
Fanfiction /фанфики